Support Us
“To avoid humanity destroying itself, we need to connect like-minded people around the world to get there when words can be turned into action and together they can do good. Because man will only survive if he unites and becomes part of the whole system again. ” Prof Ervin László
Get Involved!
You can support the global mission of the Club of Budapest with a tax-favored grant or donation!
Please support our unique effort to develop a new paradigm for our world.
Our bank coordinates are the following:
Beneficiary: Club of Budapest / Budapest Klub Alapítvány​
Address: 1014 Budapest, Tóth Árpád sétány 29. I./4. Hungary
Bank name: MKB Bank Zrt.
Account number: 10300002-20392257-00003285
If you are a Hungarian Tax Payer, you can support the Club of Budapest by giving your 1% tax to this officially listed charity.
The charitable tax number is the following: 18088036-1-41

From now on, the Budapest Club wants to pay even more attention to the implementation of communication between like-minded people. Our goal is to effectively communicate the ideas of scientists and philosophers to everyone through concrete programs and well-organized communication, to translate them for today's people, and thereby encourage action at the individual level.
Please join the Budapest Club Foundation Support Association, support our work!
As a member of the Association, you can also actively contribute to making our world better. If you wish to join as a non-governmental organization or company, please download our Entry Form for Non-Governmental Organizations or Entry Form for Companies form here and send it completed, signed, electronically to or by post to the Foundation's headquarters to the address: 1014 Budapest, Árpád Tóth promenade 29. I./4.
Please read our privacy policy.
Thank you for your support!

Let's Make A Change
Here are some ways you can get in touch with us
In Person
1014 Tóth Árpád sétány 29. I./4. Budapest, Hungary
Over the Phone
It's easy to get in touch offline too.
Tel: +36-1-212-9893