The Source of Wonder is hosted by Masami & Hiroo Saionji of the Goi Peace Foundation and Ervin Laszlo of the Club of Budapest—the three co-initiators of the Fuji Declaration. The Fuji Declaration was launched five years ago at the base of Japan’s majestic Mt. Fuji, to call upon every citizen to ignite the divine spark in their heart.
This led Ervin Laszlo to publish his book Reconnecting to The Source which recounts personal experience from many who have tapped their Source of Wonder and sparked their divine reconnection. And now, amidst tremors of worldwide upheaval amongst Leadership and Citizenship, another ship sets sail ... for the still waters of a new and deeply inspired destination for All: Within.
The time is NOW for every one of us to awaken the Divine Spark that resides in our heart and bring forth our innate love, compassion, wisdom and joy to co-create a healthy and flourishing world for all.